The Third Grade Team

The Third Grade Team


Dear Parents,

           Welcome to another exciting school year!  I am excited to be working with you and your child.  Third grade is such an incredible year for students as they grow and learn, transitioning from the primary grades into the intermediate levels of elementary school.  I feel honored to be your child’s teacher and will do whatever I can to make this year full of learning and fun too.  We are partners, working together to help your third grader develop academically and socially.  This letter is to inform you of some of the in-class experiences your GT student will have in my class this year.  GT students will be involved with:

· extension centers (project-based learning, independent study)
· flexible grouping
· 2-4 independent study projects:  GT students are required by the district to do independent projects.  The first two projects will be this fall and the remaining projects will be in the spring.  
· novel studies
· Junior Great Books:  a program that encourages higher level thinking through the reading & sharing of literature
· library & online research; independent study projects; research & project-based learning
· Compacting and/or differentiation:  Compacting means condensing learning into a shorter time period.  Differentiation means providing gifted students with different tasks and activities than their age peerstasks that lead to real learning for them.  I will not assume that your child has mastered certain concepts.  Instead, I will be consistently and carefully assessing what your child knows, so as to best meet his/her needs.

      I am here to help your child learn and grow.  If you ever have questions about the GT program or issues about giftedness, I would be more than happy to meet with you.

Beth Litke
3rd Grade GT teacher                                    

GT Parent & Student Booklist
 10 Things NOT to Say to Your Gifted Child: One Family’s Perspective –N.Heilbronner

 Make Your Worrier a Warrior: A Guide to Conquering Your Child’s Fears D.Peters

 Raising a Gifted Child: A Parenting Success HandbookC.Fertig

 (student)The Survival Guide for Gifted Kids: Ages 10 & UnderJ.Galbraith

  Freeing Our Families from PerfectionismT.Greenspon

 Quiet Kids: Helping Your Introverted Child Succeed in an Extroverted WorldC.Fonseca

 (student) UngiftedG.Korman

  Ungifted: Intelligence RedefinedS.B.Kaufman

  The Survival Guide for Parents of Gifted KidsS.Y.Walker

  Gifted Children: Myths and RealitiesE. Winner

 Perfectionism:: What’s Bad About Being Too Good?M. Adderholdt-Elliott

GT Parent & Student Website List
(TAGFAM: Families of the Gifted & Talented) (code clubwriting code)
Texas Performance Standards Project

(student) Amusement Park Physics